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Rochester, NY

Rochester's Community Wishbook


A Meal and More, Inc.

25 Broadway
Rochester, NY 14607-1701
Phone: 585-454-3878
Contact: use email address

A community kitchen that serves free, hot, nutritious midday meals to people in need every Wednesday and Sunday at Christ Church Rochester, 141 East Avenue. Serving times: 11:30 am to 1:00 pm Wednesdays; 1:00 to 2:30 pm Sundays.

Wish List:
  • Personal hygiene items: soap, toothpaste, deodorant, toothbrushes, shampoo
  • Deli meat: turkey, ham, bologna, etc.
  • Juice boxes, water bottles, or other individual drink containers for bagged lunches
  • Fruit juices (gallon or 1/2 gallon bottles of apple, orange, cranberry-apple)
  • Ketchup, mayonnaise, and mustard - bottles/jars and individual packets
  • Ranch or Italian salad dressings
  • Fresh produce: lettuce, celery, carrot sticks, cucumber, tomatoes, clementines, grapes, bananas, apples
  • Beef and chicken broth, chicken noodle soup, vegetable soup
  • Frozen or canned vegetables such as green beans, corn, peas, mixed vegetables
  • Canned fruit: applesauce, mixed fruit, peaches
  • Pasta sauce, tomato and marinara sauce, diced tomatoes
  • Spaghetti noodles, and pasta (short noodle pasta, e.g. penne, elbows, rigatoni)
  • Grocery store gift cards are always accepted and appreciated!

Volunteers Needed:
  • Setting tables, assisting with meal preparation, serving food, helping with cleanup.
  • Teen volunteers ages 16-17 are welcome with an adult and a signed permission slip.

Information from agency website 10/17/24.
(Contact information updated, volunteers needed added)

All material on this website ©2025 Helping Community Charities, Rochester NY